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12 agosto, 2014

#GoogleGlass for learning: The National Trust experience

Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

Whilst i enjoy the history, the cream tea is an essential part of the experience. Whether you go jam first, layering your cream on top, or cream first (which, just to be clear, is wrong), there’s nothing quite like sitting in a National Trust cafe, fending off the wasps, to let you know that summer is well and truly here.

Blickling Hall

The National Trust is a charity, set up to preserve landscapes and houses of national importance: originally focused on grand, stately homes, now equally likely to preserve the more humble abodes of writers and musicians. As a member, you can enjoy access to hundreds of properties around the UK, assured of a firmly middle class experience and a nice cup of tea at the end of it. I’m a huge fan.

But it was with some trepidation that, having taken delivery of my GoogleGlass a scant four days earlier, i…

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The Business Covenant: Sustainability & Community

Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

When Tesco opened a small branch in the village, it inevitably sounded the death knell for the old bakery next door. The village butcher and greengrocers weren’t far behind. There were grumbles, indeed, there had been a protest, letters to the council, some controversy, but in the end, it’s progress: what can you do. The perpetual march of the super brands, with their distribution hubs, their loyalty schemes and their own brand yoghurt.

The business covenant We need a new Covenant, between business, government and society. One that delivers value over time.

The baker didn’t exactly know my name, but he certainly recognised me by sight. He was of the community, part of the community in a way that the supermarket never can be. Or never could be anyway.

When my parents took out their first mortgage, they were interviewed by the Bank Manager, in his suit, who made the final decision. The…

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