
juandon. Innovación y conocimiento

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13 junio, 2014

What you need to know about ‘The Social Age’

Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

Everyone understands that things have changed, but not always how much and how far we still have to go. The Social Age is defined by change: changes in how we work, how we learn, how we lead, how we connect and communicate. Our entire ecosystem has evolved and yet many organisations are clinging to the remnants of eroded business models and HR practices. Those that are unable to adapt, unable to recognise and respond to the evolution will fail.

The Social Age: new work The Social Age redefines how organisations need to operate. This tangle captures some of the core changes

The nature of work has changed: no longer defined by four walls and 9-5, we’ve seen technology revolutionise how we connect and how we are productive. Cloud services and VPNs are simply the latest iteration in a long chain of innovation that has led to laptops, tablets and smartphones, alongside remote working and…

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Unearthing Organisational Stories: finding the narrative

Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

Uncovering Stories«It’s a little wordy, is that normal in your field?» was Heidi’s response to my first draft. Her tact doing little to numb the honesty. In some areas, volume is good: boxes or chocolate and length of holidays being two of them. In stories, it’s less certain, and, when it comes to organisational narratives, shorter is invariably better.

I’ve been working this week to write the story of my own organisation, SeaSalt, and it’s been harder than you might think: this is frustrating as, since i created it, you’d think i could just make it up. The problem is that we tend to create stories that sit within our own frame of reference: we write stories that make sense to us, use language we understand, refer to concepts that we have mastered, exist in frames that we shape. By their nature, our first drafts of our stories

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