Via Scoop.itIPAD, un nuevo concepto socio-educativo!

Evernote Peek is a learning app designed for the iPad 2 Smart Cover. No Smart Cover? No problem! This topic is curated by Lucian founder of #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project and if you like this post share and comment and also kindly I invite you to join free this project here and follow!/web20education Also join our facebook page here and our PLN . Also I write when I don’t tweet and curate in gr8 blogs here I invite you to subscribe free to #socialmedia #curation blog ; web 2.0 blog ; Google Plus Blog
mLearning blog
and my first blog with gr8 tools and apps The new Virtual Cover lets any iPad get in on the fun. Studying with an iPad has never been more natural. Simply peek under the cover to prepare for a quiz, practice a language or strengthen your memory. First, choose something to study. Either pick a notebook from your Evernote account or select from the featured publishers. If you have a Smart Cover, then peek under the cover to see the clue, lift the cover higher to see the answer. Close the cover and repeat. If you don’t have a Smart Cover, then simply enable the Virtual Cover in Settings. Now, you can swipe and peek on any iPad. Create your own study notebooks:
Adding your own study materials to Peek is easy, just connect Peek to your Evernote account. If you don’t have Evernote, get it for free on your iPad, desktop or mobile device. In Evernote, either choose an existing notebook or make a new one to use with Peek. The note title will become the clue and the note body will become the answer. For best results, keep the clue to one sentence and the answer to around three sentences. In Evernote Peek, tap the Add button to add your Evernote notebooks.