
juandon. Innovación y conocimiento

La búsqueda del conocimiento en una Sociedad de la Inteligencia


17 abril, 2012

e-Learning Portal

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

NATO HQ SACT – Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation…

Via www.e-nato.info

eLearning Learning by .@juandoming

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Via www.elearninglearning.com

mLearning Trends: «This Week in mLearning» Podcast: Week #2

Via Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

Via mlearningtrends.blogspot.com.es

Using the Principles of Innovation to Develop Technology

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Awareness and understanding of current technology’s capabilities is the foundation of innovating that technology into the future. The bits and bytes are mere details; the important thing is an awareness of any given technology’s possibilities.

Via gettingsmart.com

When Technologies Collide: Consumer, K-12 and Higher Ed

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Continue reading →…

Via blogs.kqed.org

Top 5 Ways Educators Can Stop Bullies | ED.gov Blog via @justinmenard

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Via justinmenard.visibli.com

The 2080 Census: The World As We (Don’t) Know It : NPR @justinmenard

Via Scoop.itRobótica Educativa!

Imagine how cool would it be if, by some twist of time, the National Archives were to make available detailed census information from the future. Will we have melded with our machines, as one futurist predicts?

Via justinmenard.visibli.com

The future of learning and teaching in higher education @justinmenard

Via Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

Higher education is facing its biggest shakeup in 50 years.

Via justinmenard.visibli.com

«La universidad necesita afrontar una nueva reflexión para adaptarse»

Via Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

La decana de Ciencias Jurídicas de la UR es uno de los once elegidos por Wert para trazar las líneas maestras de la reforma…

Via www.elcorreo.com

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