
juandon. Innovación y conocimiento

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3 abril, 2012

Teachers as Technology Trailblazers: The Difference Between a Novice and an Expert

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Via www.kristenswanson.org

Et le droit, que dit-il ? E-réputation : les salariés sur les réseaux sociaux | Pratiques RH innovantes

Via Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

En matière d’e-réputation, les entreprises utilisent la veille pour savoir ce que leurs clients ou leurs concurrents pensent d’elles. Mais, il est tout aussi important de savoir ce que leurs salariés disent d’elles sur les réseaux sociaux.

Via www.scoop.it

12 outils pour mieux gérer l’infobésité des médias sociaux

Via Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

Pas toujours simple de consommer l’information ou de gérer vos multiples comptes sur les plateformes sociales. Voici douze outils qui peuvent aider…

Via khodja.visibli.com

Should I Keep My Personal and Professional Identities Completely Separate Online?

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Via Scoop.it – AtDotCom Social media One question that seems to me to be very important. What is the best way to do, here are some interesting ideas about it. [note mg]   Dear Lifehacker…

Via thingsigrab.wordpress.com

Reorganise Classroom Layout to Personalize Learning

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Via Scoop.it – Personalized Learning (PLearning) Kevin McLaughlin has shared a video on how he has redesigned his classroom to support a personalized learning environment.  In an intervi…

Via thingsigrab.wordpress.com

El pensamiento dicotómico. Una reflexión sin un final (y ii) « @francescllorens.eu

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Via francescllorens.eu


Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

It’s never easy for teachers to fit together all the different parts of the teaching & learning process successfully. In my case, improving English Language competence ( especially  Engl…

Via mrgarrido.wordpress.com

Best of Breed Tools 2011 by @c4LPT

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Via c4lpt.co.uk

Evolution of Classroom Technology (Jeff Dunn) by Larry Cuban

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Jeff Dunn is Executive Editor of Edumedia. He posted his version of technological devices that influenced classroom teaching and learning on April 18, 2011. Because of space, I have dropped some of…

Via larrycuban.wordpress.com

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