
juandon. Innovación y conocimiento

La búsqueda del conocimiento en una Sociedad de la Inteligencia


27 agosto, 2012

From Information Paralysis to Analysis: The Human Algorithm And Curation Are The Solution | Brian Solis

See on Scoop.itRobótica Educativa!

Here is an interesting excerped from article:

«The onslaught of real-time social, local, mobile (SoLoMo) technology is nothing short of overwhelming. Besides the gadgets, apps, social networks and appliances that continue to emerge, the pace of innovation is only outdone by the volumes of data that each produce.

While the amount of personal and ambient information churned out by SoLoMo is often inundating or even perplexing, it is this “big” data that will help businesses evolve and adapt in a new era of connected consumerism.

Without interpretation, insight and the ability to put knowledge to work, any investment in technology and resources is premature. But, by investing in human capital to make sense of would be ominous data, organizations can modernize the role of business intelligence to introduce a human touch.

You’ve heard that old saying, over analysis leads to paralysis. In the face of big data, it’s easy to see the tidal wave that can result from the influx of inputs and sources. 

The reality is though that how organizations connected with customers yesterday is not how customers will be served tomorrow. Meaning, the entire infrastructure in how we market, sell, help, and create now requires companies to not only study data and behavior but also change how it thinks about customers. This is a bona fide renaissance, and to lead a new era of customer engagement requires knowledge acumen.

I refer to the confluence of data and interpretation as the human algorithm — the ability to humanize technology and data to put a face, personality, and voice to the need and chance for change. Data must tell a story.

The human algorithm is part understanding and part communication. The ability to communicate and apply insights internally and externally is the key to unlocking opportunities to earn relevance. Beyond research, beyond intelligence, the human algorithm is a function of extracting insights with intention, humanizing trends and possibilities and working with strategists to improve and innovate everything — from processes to products to overall experiences.

The idea of the human algorithm is to serve as the human counterpart to the abundance of new social intelligence and listening platforms hitting the market every day. Someone has to be on the other side of data to interpret it beyond the routine. Someone has to redefine the typical buckets where data is poured. And someone has to redefine the value of data to save important findings from a slow and eventual death by three-ring binders rich with direction and meaning…»


Read full great article here:


See on networkingexchangeblog.att.com

News Discovery and Topic Monitoring: The Protopage RSS Reader and Start Page

See on Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

Robin Good: Protopage is a free web service which allows you to easily monitor any keyword, hashtag, topic, RSS feed (and OPML files too) or web site on a custom, personalized private web page.

You can add as many «search» and monitoring widgets to your page and create multiple tabs to monitor and check different topics without creating excessive clutter.


Widgets can contain dozen of different information objects besides searches, including video feeds, news, audio podcasts, bookmarks, maps, and a lot more. Check all the widgets you can add here: http://i.imgur.com/BseEu.jpg


Try it out now: http://www.protopage.com/



See on www.protopage.com


See on Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

See on www.ciudadesdigitales2012.com

Virtual Patient eLearning Simulations: An Introduction & Check List

See on Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Medical education experts have grappled with the difficulties of providing learners with authentic and flexible opportunities to manage complex clinical situations in a controlled learning environm…

See on managingelearning.com

Congreso DEA-TecnoNEEt 2012 | Octeto

See on Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

I Congreso Nacional de Dificultades Específicas de Aprendizaje – 7º Congreso Nacional de Tecnología Educativa y Atención a la Diversidad. Cartagena (Murcia, España), 18, 19 y 20 de octubre de 2012.

See on cent.uji.es


See on Scoop.itIPAD, un nuevo concepto socio-educativo!

Las tabletas digitales pueden utilizarse en los contextos educativos como instrumento alternativo a los netbooks. Al igual que éstos, requieren que el centro disponga de una adecuada conexión a Internet en sus instalaciones, y también conviene que en cada aula de clase haya además una pizarra digital controlada por un ordenador (fijo o portátil), donde además de recibir las explicaciones del profesor los estudiantes puedan compartir sus trabajos con toda la clase para su revisión y corrección

See on peremarques.blogspot.com.es

Mark Anderson’s Blog » How to make use of #QR codes with your iPad (teachers & students!) @joevans

See on Scoop.itIPAD, un nuevo concepto socio-educativo!

It has been recognised for some time now that using QR codes can really support learning but how can the iPad support the use of QR codes in the classroom?

See on ictevangelist.com

30 Simple Ways You Should Be Using Google | Edudemic

See on Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

Simple explanations of Google docs and uses in the classroom

See on edudemic.com

FORMANDO AL FUTURO ESPECTADOR. Cine y Eduación van de la mano: ¿Por qué creo necesaria la formación del futuro espectador?

See on Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

Hay una tribu donde está permitido soñar. No es necesario haber nacido en ella. Puedes ser inmigrante o nativo digital. Los inmigrantes son bienvenidos a esta tribu . En esa tribu no es necesario el contrato de trabajo, invitación o saber el idioma.

See on educandoalfuturoespectador.blogspot.com.es

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