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Bloggers are always happy to link to a resource we think is good, or a product or service with which we’re affiliated. But there are other kinds of external links that too few bloggers use: – links to sources of information we’ve found- links to creators of content we’re citing- links to more detailed information on a topic we’re mentioning, but not covering in depth in a post. Citing sources is a basic element of professional writing. As well as reflecting your professionalism, it:- helps build your authority on a topic- helps you to gain profile and respect by association with quality sources- actively helps readers to benefit from your content.   Above all, citing external sources of information boosts your credibility. By linking to a quality, reliable external source, you show that you proudly stand behind the information you give your readers. And what blogger doesn’t want to do that?When should a blogger include a link as a sort of citation? Whenever you’re relating information that you’ve learned elsewhere. Let’s look at the most common types of statements that require external links to their original sources.
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