
juandon. Innovación y conocimiento

La búsqueda del conocimiento en una Sociedad de la Inteligencia


16 septiembre, 2012

Caine’s Cardboard Arcade | Ms. Graham’s and Mrs. Holden’s Class Blog via @gcouros

See on Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

Caine’s Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.

See on www.psdblogs.ca

Reinventing Society In The Wake Of Big Data | Conversation | Edge

See on Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

See on edge.org

The .@juandoming Daily

See on Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

A newspaper by juandoming – updated daily with a curated selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos.

See on paper.li

Techcrunch Disrupt, Storified @audreywatters

See on Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

See on www.hackeducation.com

Hack Education Weekly Podcast @audreywatters

See on Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

See on www.hackeducation.com

Innovation Design In Education – ASIDE: The Axis Of Education – Changing The Teaching Matrix

See on Scoop.itWeb 2.0 for juandoming

Innovative design crosses over all aspects of education. The American Society for Innovation Design in Education, or ASIDE, seeks to infuse curriculum with new approaches to teaching and thinking.

See on theasideblog.blogspot.com.es

MLearning Webinar Upside Learning Blog | Kevin Corbett

See on Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

See on kevincorbett.com

25 Trends Disrupting Education Right Now – Getting Smart by Guest Author – edreform, EdTech, Innovation

See on Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

Disruption doesn’t sound like a pretty word, but in the long run, it can be a beautiful thing. Disruption is about shifting power. Eroding patterns. Breaking the system. In education, this can come from the most unlikely of sources.

See on gettingsmart.com

edX explores demographics of most persistent MOOC students | Inside Higher Ed via @pgsimoes

See on Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

See on www.insidehighered.com

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