
juandon. Innovación y conocimiento

La búsqueda del conocimiento en una Sociedad de la Inteligencia


10 septiembre, 2011

Internet of Yesterday & Today: 1996 vs. 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Via Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

Where were you in 1996? If you were in cyberspace, surfing the World Wide Web, chances are you were waiting a long time for pages to load and suffering through some god-awful graphics.
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How To Boost Your Credibility as a Curator by Leveraging More External Links

Via Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

Bloggers are always happy to link to a resource we think is good, or a product or service with which we’re affiliated. But there are other kinds of external links that too few bloggers use: – links to sources of information we’ve found- links to creators of content we’re citing- links to more detailed information on a topic we’re mentioning, but not covering in depth in a post. Citing sources is a basic element of professional writing. As well as reflecting your professionalism, it:- helps build your authority on a topic- helps you to gain profile and respect by association with quality sources- actively helps readers to benefit from your content.   Above all, citing external sources of information boosts your credibility. By linking to a quality, reliable external source, you show that you proudly stand behind the information you give your readers. And what blogger doesn’t want to do that?When should a blogger include a link as a sort of citation? Whenever you’re relating information that you’ve learned elsewhere. Let’s look at the most common types of statements that require external links to their original sources.
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An Algorithmic Future: Can Computers Curate?

Via Scoop.itArt, a way to feel!

Art.sy’s suggestion engine model is easy enough to swallow, but Google’s new Search by Image feature imagines something more revolutionary: computer-assisted curation.   Now, we’re not there yet.   The images accompanying this post are the ten images Google Image Search found to be “most relevant” [for me] to Duncan Alexander’s Brion Gysin Internet Circulation Project, and it’s apparent that visual similarities are still far more heavily weighted than semantic information.   So what, exactly, would be necessary to turn this indexing and organizing into curation?
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Twitter Is A Real-Time Information Network, Not A Social Network

Via Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

In an informal chat at Twitter headquarters on Thursday, chief executive Dick Costolo talked about some of the numbers behind the service (as Erica reported earlier), including the fact that the network has over 100 million active users now.   That may be a long distance away from Facebook’s more than half a billion, but the fact is that Twitter isn’t really competing with Facebook — it’s not really a social network, but a real-time information network.   In other words, it’s a media entity, and the sooner it starts living up to that reality the better.
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10 steps to mobile learning adoption

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo

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10 Infographics for Learning

Via Scoop.itA New Society, a new education!

We all love infographics. Why? Well, they help us grasp information in a quick and fun way that appeals to our visual senses. In fact, there’s an infographic here explaining that. Below you’ll find 10 infographics that discuss learning in many different capacities – online, blended, mobile, etc. Tell us, what’s your favorite infographic on learning?
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EL DEBATE: La importancia de la educación CTS

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo

Estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología en Iberoamérica…
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Pedagogy or assessment – what comes first in PBL?

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo

So many things to blog about at the moment…transmedia and transliteracy, the Gonski review of school funding…but in the thick of Semester 2 teaching I find myself inexorably drawn back to curri…
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60 Web2.0 in 60 from ISTE 11 – Symbaloo

Via Scoop.itE-Learning-Inclusivo

Most of the sites from the 60 in 60 session at ISTE 11. These are educational sites to try and integrate into your classroom.
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